Dealing with Difficult Parents

Let go of guilt and inadequacy, start feeling good enough as you are

Through in-depth therapy, I help individuals who have difficult relationships with their parents feel worthy, independent, and whole—without constantly feeling responsible for their parent’s feelings and expectations.


Despite doing everything you can to make your parents happy, it feels like you’re never enough.

One or both your parents somehow manage to find a way to be disappointed or angry with you, leaving you feeling inadequate, guilty, or lonely

It is strange to feel like your parents are at once a looming presence, yet also feel like they are entirely absent and emotionally unavailable.

Growing up, and even now as an adult, you feel like you have to fend for yourself in life because you can’t rely on your parents.

Love from your parents feels conditional.

Love feels dependent on what you do, not who you are.

You feel like love and attention from your mom or dad must be “earned,” rather than it being unconditional. 

Despite the pain, you know in your heart that you love and appreciate your parents—but when you try to express it, things never go as planned.

Doing what they say they want doesn’t seem to help—there always seems to be more to which you’re not measuring up.

And if you don’t try to satisfy their demands, you have to deal with punishment or rejection for not being good enough.



Angry outbursts.

Guilt trips.

Cold shoulders.

Silent treatment.


Their constant dissatisfaction is beyond hurtful and suffocating.

You feel manipulated and trapped—any form of connection with your parents is weaponized against you. 

All of this is familiar from your parents, but it might also show up in other parts of life.




The workplace.

Or even your kids.


You struggle with guilt for having feelings and needs.

When there’s conflict, your first impulse is to see yourself as the problem. 

You deserve to give and receive unconditional love in your life.

You deserve to stop living your life for your parents, at the expense of yourself.

If you want to start feeling more assertive, clear, and confident about your needs, wants, and goals, I’d love to help you get there.

Book an Appointment

Together, we can work in therapy to support you as you face issues such as ⟶

  • Low self-esteem

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Difficulties knowing what you feel or think

  • Excessively taking blame 

  • Loneliness

  • People pleasing

  • Burnout

  • Difficulties setting boundaries 

  • Self doubt

  • “Tiger” parents

  • Helicopter parents

  • Immigrant parents

  • Highly successful or wealthy parents

  • Growing up with divorced parents

  • Codependency